
What are NFTs?

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What Does NFT Mean?

What Can Be An NFT?​

Do I Gain Copyright Rights When I Buy An NFT?

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Here are some definitions to help you better understand the explanation

Item or items that can be replaced by an identical copy.

Example | You order blue running shoes from the Nike website. When you place your order, you don’t care which specific pair they send you out of their entire inventory as long as you get a pair of the blue running shoes you ordered. After you get your pair, you lose them, well, you could just order another one and you’re back in business – that’s a fungible item.

Item or items that cannot be replaced by an identical copy.

Example | I order blue running shoes from Nike and once I receive them, I wear them everyday and everywhere. I travel with them, create memories and experiences, get married wearing them & friends recognize me by my shoes. It’s become part of my identity. I see deeper value in them. If I lose them, well I can’t just order another pair. It’s not the same pair although visually they’re identical. My blue running shoes are non-fungible, I can’t replace them because they’re one-of-a-kind.

Any asset that is digitally transferable between two people is called a token. A token is commonly associated with cryptocurrencies, however can also be applied to digital assets like NFTs.

blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and oftentimes public, digital ledger consisting of records called blocks that is used to record transactions. Blockchain stores information in batches called blocks. These blocks are linked together in a sequential way to form a continuous line. A chain of blocks. A blockchain. Each block is like a page of a ledger or a record book.

Records, assets or any other kind of data is not stored in one place. Instead, it’s spread across many people & computers, all over the world. Totally distributed, it removes the need of a central authority (ex. banks) to check the validity of the transaction.

In short, a decentralized ledger is not stored in one location, managed by one authority, but is spread across various locations and managed by many people.


Read the explanation and then try our quiz below to test your knowledge.

NFT | Non-Fungible Token

An NFT is a unique and immutable digital asset that is stored on the blockchain. 

click here to learn about the blockchain

What can be An NFT?

NFTs are often associated with digital artwork but can be almost any digital assets like photos, videos, audio, 3D animation, virtual worlds and much more. 

What Are NFTs Quiz

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What does NFT stand for?

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What can be an NFT?

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Where are NFTs stored?

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